Monday, December 15, 2008

Work i am proud of

One project that i did in humanities this year, and am proud of was the H20 project. I am proud of it because i put a lot more time and effort into it then i had in previous projects. Because i spent more time on this project i was able to get several critiques on both my writing , and art and because of this i was able to improve my work by finding better ways to phrase my writing, and gave me new ideas and inspiration for may art. I think this project was may best work this year because i took extra time to get critiques out side of class, and from other people besides my teacher.
The American icon project is another project that i am proud of. I am proud of it because i did a good job on both the self portrait, and artist statement even though i was struggling with ideas at the beginning of the project. I was having trouble choosing an icon that inspires me, and i could not think of an icon that i both like, and relate to. But then i though of Andy Warhol, which was perfect because i admire him, and i can relate to his individuality.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sea Shepherd

Paul Watson, who founded "Sea Shepherd" which is an organization that protects marine animals, whales in particular from being hunted by humans by attacking whaling and fishing ships with his own fleet of vessels which he calls Neptune's Navy. He uses many tactics to bring down the ships including ramming, the "can opener" and the fact that he does not care about the law.
Ramming is Watson's signature technique, in which he rams one of his ships into the whaling boats to damage, or sink them. This is a successful technique because it is effective in damaging the boats, and it gets their attention there for making them stop more easily.
Another technique that he uses is the can opener. The can opener is a sharp steal beam that comes of the side of one of his ships and which he uses to scrape the hulls of his opponents boats.This a successful technique because it has a big impact on the ship that is being attacked.
Watson's best technique in my opinion is that he dos not care that what he is doing is illegal. I think that this technique is his best because since he does not let the law get in his way he has accomplished so much. He has taken down whaling ships, he is on the discovery channel show "Whale Wars" and his actions have spread awareness about illegal whale hunting,

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


In her article "He's not black" Marie Arana says that "we have one foot in the future and one foot still mired in the Old south" what she means is we consider all races to be equal, but we still judge people by their races stereotypes, and label each other as "black" "white" or "yellow'' I agree with Arana when she says that "language should move on" but if we stop using labels what would we call ourselves.
The reason we automatically label people is we cant tell what their background is from just looking at them. A person that we see might be a mix of Black, White, and Mexican, but we call them by what they appear to be. I don't like it when people stereotype and label each other, but it is a problem that is practically unsolvable. Labels are so widely used in the media and our lives that it will take years for use to learn to stop using them.