Monday, December 15, 2008

Work i am proud of

One project that i did in humanities this year, and am proud of was the H20 project. I am proud of it because i put a lot more time and effort into it then i had in previous projects. Because i spent more time on this project i was able to get several critiques on both my writing , and art and because of this i was able to improve my work by finding better ways to phrase my writing, and gave me new ideas and inspiration for may art. I think this project was may best work this year because i took extra time to get critiques out side of class, and from other people besides my teacher.
The American icon project is another project that i am proud of. I am proud of it because i did a good job on both the self portrait, and artist statement even though i was struggling with ideas at the beginning of the project. I was having trouble choosing an icon that inspires me, and i could not think of an icon that i both like, and relate to. But then i though of Andy Warhol, which was perfect because i admire him, and i can relate to his individuality.

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