Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Blog reflections

What i am most proud of
The part of my blog that i am most proud of is my last blog entry about my opinions on the book Obama Nation. I am proud of it because it was the blog post i spent the most time on it, and because of that i was able to put more thought into it, and make my writing more descriptive and informative. Another thing i like about that entry was about a topic i am truly interested in, and so it was the most enjoyable to write.

What i want to improve

I want to improve my blog entries by putting all my effort into them, by being more descriptive, and talking about my opinions on the subjects i am learning about. Another thing i want to improve on is making sure that the sources i am using are current and accurate, and adding pictures, and coming up with good titles for them. I would also improve the graphics on my blog and make it more personalized.

How blogging has helped me
Blogging has helped me understand all of the topics that i am learning such as, U S history, politics, and world news. Reading the articles for my blogs, and writings about them helped me understand them much better because i really had to think about their meanings so i could relate them to my blog topics.Blogging has also helped me be more aware of whats going on in America, and around the world.

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