Thursday, September 11, 2008

Factions and neoconservatives

I learned about factions from reading the Federalist articles by James Madison, i found out that a faction is a group of people who all have the same interests, which often stand for ideas that could be bad for the rest of society, and Madison states in his articles that since factions always bias opinions they should not help with any of the governments decisions. A good example of a modern day faction are the neoconservatives. The neoconservatives (neocons) are a group that go by the philosophy that we should attack the enemy before it attacks us, like when we went war with Iraq, we were going on a hunch that they might have nuclear weapons, and that we could be in danger of another attack if we don't move first. But that ended up being bad for us in the long run.

Neoconservatism -- RIP,By Gary Kamiya

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