Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I am thankful for cool projects, and that i have gotten mostly good grades throughout the semester

Three things that i am going to accomplish for my project during thanksgiving are revising my artist statement by making my writing more organized and incorporating m,ore information. the second thing i am going to do is do more research so i can find more examples of people getting sick from pollution, and problems with having trash at the beach. The third thing i am going to do is work on my painting, and i want to use my extra time during thanksgiving break to get a good amount of work done on it.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

H2O project

From doing this project i have learned that people can get sick from swimming in water that has high levels of E. coli and enterococci bacteria which come from human and animal waste, and i learned how to test water, and what the natural level of bacteria should be.

The thing that surprised me about this project is how much freedom we have when it comes to ideas, and working on our projects.

The steps i need to take to get a good final product are making a schedule for when i will be working on my project over the next few weeks, and put a lot of effort into working on my painting, and revising my writing.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Catcher in the rye

One of the literary devices that the author J.D. Salinger used in the book "Catcher in the rye" was tone. He uses tone in his story because he shows the attitude his narrator toward the other characters and events in the story. The narrator/main character of the book (Holden Caulfield) is always taking about his opinions of the events, and other characters in the story as they are showing up or happening. An example would be when he is talking about "Ackley" who is the guy who lives in the room next door. Holden talks about how Ackley is rude and obnoxious, and his attitude towards Ackley is dislike
Another literary devise that was used was narration. Narration was one of the main literary devises that was used in Catcher in the rye, the narrator of the story was Holden himself instead of the author which made the book more interesting because having the protagonist telling the story made it much easier to relate to because the problems that he faces more seem real.
The theme of the story is growing up, and going through adolescence. The author uses this literary to make the ideas of his story more clear and simplify the concept. The theme is shown in the story with with Holden's outlook on life. He always bothered or annoyed about something and he acts like his life could not get any worse

Monday, November 10, 2008

Immigrant voters

A group of voters that don not get much publicity are immigrants who are voting for the first time. Even though they were not publicized as much as black voters and young people, they had a very big impact on the outcome of the election. In this election Immigrants voted at a much higher rate then they had in past elections, and they helped decide some of the most important swing states in the election, such as Florida, Virginia, and Ohio. In the past their voting power was very weak, but now that there are many non-white people who have high powers in the American government, a lot more minorities and immigrants are taking part in political decisions. I think that this is important because immigrants are now playing a bigger part in the political process in America


Friday, November 7, 2008

Product ideas

A products that i would like to use as references for my project is this picture. i want to use it as a reference because I also want to do a landscape photo of the beach, but i want mine to have people in the background and have the camera focused on a piece of trash in the foreground. I want my picture to represent how people litter at the beach without thinking about the consequences.
Another thing i want to use as a reference is this article. I chose this article as a reference because its short, but informative, and it is done in a news article style.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election/H2O Project

Election reflection

I am happy with the results of the election, because i am a Obama supporter and i am very glad that he won. I am also a little shocked, because its hard to believe that the election is finally over.
My hopes for this country are that we end the war in Iraq, and overcome the financial crisis.
My concerns are that our current situation becomes worse.
I have a fairly high level of civic knowledge, and i have been becoming more aware of our country over the past few months.
The thing that has been helpful to me is our blogs, because i have to do a little research on the blog topic, and all of the article i read about the topic help me understand it better.
When i have conversations about politics outside of class i feel smart and informed, because i am up to date, and i understand politics much more than i did before.

H2O Project

To start this project the i will need to...
  • Do research on Ocean beach, and find out more about how the cleanliness of the beach and to what extent people have gotten sick from swimming in the water.
  • I will also interview people who go to the beach regularly, and people who live in the area, and work in the shops. I am going to ask them about how they feel about having dirty beaches, and what negative effects it has on their health, and the popularity of the beach.
  • I am going to put the information into an article, and i would like to also have some photography components.
  • my schedule for this project over the next two weeks will be interviewing people over the weekends, i ant to get started this weekend by interviewing people i know, and next weekend i will interview people at the beach an working in shops next weekend. I also want to try to get a few done spare time during the week. I will do my additional research, and writing my article during project time at school and at home.

Interview questions

  • what changes have you noticed at the beach due to pollution and trash?
  • has the pollution at the beach effected your health?
  • how does trash effect the aesthetic of the beach?
  • does the dirtiness of the beach discourage you from going?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Reserch questions

How are Ocean beach locals effected by sewage and pollution.

For this article i am going to interview people who go to the beach on a regular basis, and people who live in the area about the changes that they have noticed at the beach caused by pollution and global warming. I am going to interview several people so i can get a lot of different opinions, and i am going to research the beach i am focusing on (Ocean beach) so i can learn about changes it has gone through over the years.

"Ocean Beach." Ocean Beach. 2 Nov. 2008 .

"Port of San Diego | Environment News." Port of San Diego | Port of San Diego. 2 Nov. 2008 .

"Rob Edwards: Seabirds ingest bellyfuls of plastic pollution." Rob Edwards. 2 Nov. 2008 .

How are the marine birds effected by the presence of , humans, sewage and waste.

For this article i am write about the effects of plastic pollution, sewage, and human presence on marine birds. I am going to talk about the negative effects of pollution at the beach, and the overall effects of coexisting with humans. I am going focus on a local beach, and interview people on their opinions on pollution at the beach. I also want to talk about ways that people can help reduce pollution at the beaches.

Beach Pollution of US ocean beaches and coastlines." Arts and Culture: Culturekiosque - Classical Music, Jazz, Opera, Dance, Movie, Cuisine, and Travel tips: interviews, reviews and news. 2 Nov. 2008 .

"Hinterland Who's Who - Oil Pollution and Birds." Hinterland Who's Who. 2 Nov. 2008 .

"Ocean Beach Mainstreet Association." Ocean Beach Mainstreet Association. 2 Nov. 2008 .