Monday, November 17, 2008

Catcher in the rye

One of the literary devices that the author J.D. Salinger used in the book "Catcher in the rye" was tone. He uses tone in his story because he shows the attitude his narrator toward the other characters and events in the story. The narrator/main character of the book (Holden Caulfield) is always taking about his opinions of the events, and other characters in the story as they are showing up or happening. An example would be when he is talking about "Ackley" who is the guy who lives in the room next door. Holden talks about how Ackley is rude and obnoxious, and his attitude towards Ackley is dislike
Another literary devise that was used was narration. Narration was one of the main literary devises that was used in Catcher in the rye, the narrator of the story was Holden himself instead of the author which made the book more interesting because having the protagonist telling the story made it much easier to relate to because the problems that he faces more seem real.
The theme of the story is growing up, and going through adolescence. The author uses this literary to make the ideas of his story more clear and simplify the concept. The theme is shown in the story with with Holden's outlook on life. He always bothered or annoyed about something and he acts like his life could not get any worse

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