Friday, January 30, 2009

Mentor interview questions

1) How long have you been working at the Maritime Museum?

2) Why did you choose this career? What made you chose it?

3) How long have you been interested in maritime history? What got you interested in the first place?

4) What are the most interesting things you have learned about maritime history?

5) What are the most interesting experiences you have had at this job?

6) What is your favorite thing about working at the Maritime Museum?

7) What other jobs have you had before this? How many did you have? What were they?

8) Where did you go to college? How did your collage experience shape your future career?

9) Have you ever done an internship yourself? If so was it a good learning experience?

10) Have you worked in similar fields before this?

11) Is this what you wanted to do when you were a kid? If not what did you want to do?

12) How do you incorporate Photography into your work at the Maritime Museum?

13) What work do you do for exhibits that involve photography? Are there any current exhibits that you have worked/or are working on?

14) What types of photography do you like?

15) Who is your favorite photographer? How does their work inspire you?

16) What are your other interests besides photography?

17) Have you worked at other museums, or similar places?

18) Have you been living here all your life? Or did you move here?

19) Have you done any traveling for your jobs? What places have you been to?

20) If you did not have this job what would you be doing?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

First day of internship

Today in my first day of internship my mentor took us on a tour of the museum, and we learned about some of the things we will be working on,which was mostly organizing and scanning pictures. The actual work that we did today was practicing scanning pictures.

I ate lunch quickly before i left, and i took the bus to my internship site.Today i got a ride home from my mom, but i will be taking the trolley home in the future.

Overall i had a pretty good experience, although it got to be a little boring twords the end

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Historic addresses

In his inaugural address Obama spoke of opening up to other nations showing that we can have good ideals. Which in this case means being more logical when it comes to conversing with other nations, and not immediately resorting to violence. An example of this is Obama’s recent closure of the prison Guantanamo Bay, This is important because Guantanamo Bay could support torture, and Obama wants America to be represented by good ideals, and use smart power instead of violence.
Closing Guantanamo Bay is Obama’s first step to cleaning up Americas act, Guantanamo Bay is a prison that is used to hold suspected terrorists, and is suspected of using torture, and treating the inmates inhumanely. Although the Bush administration has proclaimed that Guantanamo is necessary for our safety, but it goes against the laws in our constitution that state we must give anyone a fair trial. Obama wants to change our bad reputation with the rest of the world, and illustrate to the world that we are changing our policies “
We reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals.”
Rather than using violence and taking what we want by force, Obama wants to govern America with smart power “Recall that earlier generations faced down fascism and communism not just with missiles and tanks, but with sturdy alliances and enduring convictions. They understood that our power alone cannot protect us.” America wants change in the Middle East, but the strategy of violence we have been using is not getting us anywhere. Which is why being logical and open with foreign affairs will improve the way that we are seen by other countries. “The president is committed to making diplomacy and development the partners in our foreign policy along with defense. We must be smarter about how we exercise our power,’‘
If we begin to negotiate our problems before we start fighting we will be liked more by other countries, which will help convince them of our ways of thinking. Closing Guantanamo Bay is our first step of showing the rest of the world that America will start using
good ideals, and smart power instead of violence.


"Obama Orders Secret Prisons and Detention Camps Closed -" The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. 25 Jan. 2009

"Obama gets to work after historic inauguration - Yahoo! News." The top news headlines on current events from Yahoo! News - Yahoo! News. 25 Jan. 2009 .

"Obama's inaugural speech -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. 25 Jan. 2009 .

"euronews | Obama aiming to use smart power." euronews | The latest International News from a European perspective. 25 Jan. 2009 .

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama's Inauguration speech

When i was watching Obamas Inaugural address the part of his speech that stood out to me the most was
"This is the meaning of our liberty and our creed - why men and women and children of every race and every faith can join in celebration across this magnificent mall, and why a man whose father less than sixty years ago might not have been served at a local restaurant can now stand before you to take a most sacred oath."
This was the most meaningful part of his speech to me because it shows how much he and the whole United Sates of America have achieved. Until recently white and black people were not considered equal to each other, and the two races were completely segregated. Half a century ago the idea of a black or biracial president was unthinkable, but despite Americas racist past, Obama became our president. I think that Obama being elected as president is a great achievement not just for African Americans but for all of America because it shows how much we have grown as a society. Obama's words relate to me and my everyday life because he talks about going through hardships and obstacles and finding ways to overcome them. Although Obama was talking about different things, i can relate to him because i am always facing challenges in my life.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New and improved artist statement

Why is the stock market like a bad girlfriend? It let everyone down because of the stock market crash of 1929 which started the great depression, which caused thousands of people to lose their homes and jobs, and many of those people took to the streets and became hobos. My painting explores the relationship between the highway hobos of the great depression, and the Led Zeppelin song “Black dog” These two different parts of American culture share the common theme of the response to false expectations.

During the great depression thousands of people in America lost their homes and jobs because of the stock market crash. They were all let down by a bad economy and many people were in shock because they expected the government to back them up, and keep their lives stable but it failed to do so. With no money and no were to go many people became hobos and began to roam across America hitchhiking rides on freight trains, and looking for work along the way.

When he says, “Didn't take too long fore I found out what people mean my down and out" The singer of Black Dog is also let down, not by the government but by his girlfriend. He had expected that she would be honest and truthful, but he found out that she really just wanted his money. This quote relates to the topic of homelessness during the great depression because they both talk about hitting rock bottom, only in the case of the song the reason for being down and out is a bad girlfriend. I thought that even though the quote and the topic are from two time periods and they are initially about different things they can still go together, and make sense.

For the color scheme of my painting I used browns and grays, I did this not only to represent that this happened before color photography, but to enhance the dusty southern theme that was often part of songs and stories of the great depression. I painted the train stretching of into the distance to show that is going a long way, and to make the overall picture more interesting to look at.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Artist statement rough draft

1) The highway hobos during the great depression, and Led Zeppelin together in my art show that the future is always uncertain and that you cant fully understand something unless it has happened to you.

2) The theme that i am expressing through my picture and quote is how life was like for people who became homeless because of the great depression. These "Hobos" then began to roam across America hitchhiking rides on freight trains, and creating a cultural phenomenon. The part of this topic that i am focusing on was how thousands of people in America lost their homes and jobs, and how much of a shock it must have been to suddenly lose everything.

I used browns and grays for the the color scheme of my painting, i did this not only to represent that this happened before color photography, but to enhance the dusty southern theme that was often part of songs and stories of the great depression. I painted the train stretching of into the distance to show that is going a long way, and to make the overall picture more interesting to look at.

My quote is from the Led Zeppelin song "Black Dog" The quote is "Didn't take too long fore I found out What people mean my down and out" this quote relates to the topic of homelessness during the great depression because they both talk about hitting rock bottom, only in the case of the song the reason for being down and out is a bad girlfriend. I thought that even though the quote and the topic are from two time periods and they are initially about different things they can still go together, and make sense.


Why is this important?
  • It relates to the economic crisis and homelessness today
  • It is important to remember events in the past and learn from them
  • It shows how different parts of our culture are related, and how they have evolved and changed over time.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

George Bush and the enviroment

I was surprised to hear that Bush was creating the marine national monuments, because Bush has blown of many environmental problems, and i have always thought of him as being more big business oriented. The article Bushes seven deadly environmental sins is written from as similar point of view. It explains that Bush has done little to stop global warming, and has refused to agree to green house gas regulation laws "Bush's Environmental Protection Agency refused to regulate the greenhouse gas CO2 as a pollutant, even after the Supreme Court ruled that CO2 is a pollutant and the EPA can regulate it." He has abandoned protection on endangered species, and his main concern seems to be drilling for oil"A whopping 35,000 drilling permits have been issued for onshore federal lands during the past seven years" I think that the marine national monuments that Bush has constructed are his way of making up for being environmentally unfriendly throughout his presidency.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Internship

1) The things that i want to discover about the adult world of work while at my internship are, how things are operated in a working environment,what is expected of a worker, and i want to experience what a real job is like. I want to learn about these things because there is a lot about the adult world that i don't fully understand, and i hope that that being in a working environment for my internship will help me gain a greater understanding of those things and prepare me for the working world.

2) During my internship the part of my identity that i want to discover more about is, what kind of carrier i want to follow. Working in an internship will help me find out if that line of work is good for me, and if i end up working somewhere that might not have been my first choice, i might discover that i am interested in that field, and if not i will still learn a lot.

3) A goal that i want to accomplish for my internship is to get as much out of the working experience as i can, so i can have experiences that will help me when i am working in a real job. My other goal is to be the best intern i can be.