Monday, January 12, 2009

Artist statement rough draft

1) The highway hobos during the great depression, and Led Zeppelin together in my art show that the future is always uncertain and that you cant fully understand something unless it has happened to you.

2) The theme that i am expressing through my picture and quote is how life was like for people who became homeless because of the great depression. These "Hobos" then began to roam across America hitchhiking rides on freight trains, and creating a cultural phenomenon. The part of this topic that i am focusing on was how thousands of people in America lost their homes and jobs, and how much of a shock it must have been to suddenly lose everything.

I used browns and grays for the the color scheme of my painting, i did this not only to represent that this happened before color photography, but to enhance the dusty southern theme that was often part of songs and stories of the great depression. I painted the train stretching of into the distance to show that is going a long way, and to make the overall picture more interesting to look at.

My quote is from the Led Zeppelin song "Black Dog" The quote is "Didn't take too long fore I found out What people mean my down and out" this quote relates to the topic of homelessness during the great depression because they both talk about hitting rock bottom, only in the case of the song the reason for being down and out is a bad girlfriend. I thought that even though the quote and the topic are from two time periods and they are initially about different things they can still go together, and make sense.


Why is this important?
  • It relates to the economic crisis and homelessness today
  • It is important to remember events in the past and learn from them
  • It shows how different parts of our culture are related, and how they have evolved and changed over time.

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