Friday, February 27, 2009

Internship imersion

1) I am most exited about being in a new place instead of just being at school,because thats how my schedule would be if i was working at a real job. I am also exited about possibly doing some work on setting up exhibits on the Star of India and the Surprise, which will be much more fun and interesting than the organizing work i usually do in the museum's library.

2)What i am most concerned about is that i will be at internship every day for two weeks,and for much longer each day than usual. I am a little worried that it is going to get really boring because i am going to be there for so long, and the work i do in the library can get really tedious. Not going to school at all is also going to be weird,and it is going to be hard for meto get used to.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Outstanding blogs

1. Economic advice to Barack Obama?
Kevin's blog had good economical advise for Obama.
"Franklin Delanore Roosevelt passed the New Deal (among a series of other actswhich allowed Americans to come together and do the jobs that needed to be done in order to help fix America's economy, as well as creating more jobs and getting necessary things built." This advise is helpful for our economy because it worked during the great depression which is a similar situation to the recession we are in now.

2. Literary Analysis?
A blog that has good literary analysis is Will's blog. In his post about Charles Darwin.He uses complicated language and his word choices are very well though out.
"Charles Darwin contributed significantly to mankind's collective scientific understanding, finding a pattern in the seemingly chaotic play of evolution, blazing a trail that the rest of us could follow with our bumbling brains."

Friday, February 13, 2009

Charles Darwin

The responsibility we have for the understanding of science is to be curious about why things are the way they are, and to always have an open mind.
The roles that scientific inquiry and scientific knowledge should play in our society are solving problems such as better ways of transportation, doing household tasks, curing diseases, and making new discoveries about the natural world.
Science should influence our decisions, laws, and culture by showing us how things, work and helping us make discoveries, and it should also influence our thinking and decisions.

Monday, February 9, 2009

If i were Obama's economic advisor part 2

If I were Obama's economics adviser, one thing I would say about strengthening America's economy is to create more green jobs. Green jobs are jobs that involve finding more environmentally friendly ways of doing things, such as green building, green energy, and manufacturing with non toxic earth friendly materials.Having more green jobs will strengthen the economy by providing new jobs for the unemployed, and since we are in the worst economical crisis since the great depression and thousands of people have lost their jobs this is especially important.

Although some advances in green power have been made "Alternative energy advocates say President Obama's economic stimulus package could help because it provides tax credits as well as federal grants to help companies pay for wind and solar projects." America still has a long way to go because of bushes environmental record over the past eight years he has been on office "By taking environmental policymaking away from scientists, and turning it over to industry cronies, Bush has made a mockery of the nation's environmental laws and values" which is why it is important that we start making changes now.

Some of the ways these changes can be made are to start replacing un-environmental energy jobs such as ones involved with coal and oil, with green jobs are involved with Wind and solar power and recycling resources for energy. Burning coal and oil puts C02 into the atmosphere, and if we keep using them at the same rate then we will soon run out, which is why we need to find new forms of energy.


Mieszkowski, Katharine. "Bush environment Obama | Salon ." - Breaking news, opinion, politics, entertainment, sports and culture.. 11 Feb. 2009 .

contrast. " Depression? Or just a recession? Experts also find it hard to tell - Times Online ." Business News, Market and Financial News | Times Online Business . 11 Feb. 2009 .

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Honners book blog

Toni Morrison, the author of the book beloved uses the literary devises Imagery, symbolism, and similes in her writing to develop the plot of her story. These devises help to develop the characters and plot of the story, and add detail and depth to the writing.
The literary devise imagery is used to describe the surroundings that the characters are in, and the places they go and the people that they meet. An example of how imagery is used in the story is when Sethe meets the girl Amy after running away from
her plantation."Her name was Amy and she needed beef and pot liquor like nobody in this world. Arms like cane stalks and enough hair for four or five heads. Slow moving eyes. She didn’t look at anything quick. Talked so much is was not clear how she could breathe at the same time." In this Quote Morrison paints a very clear picture of Amy, by describing all of the quirks, and mannerisms that are part of Amy's looks and personality.
Morrison uses symbolism often in her writing. One part of the story in which she uses symbolism is when Sethe realized that she stopped seeing colors, when her baby died"Every day she saw the dawn, but never acknowledged or remarked its color. There was something wrong with that. It was as though one day she saw red baby blood, another day the pink grave stone chips, and that was the last of it.”This symbolizes Sethe’s grief for her dead baby by saying that she stopped noticing, and caring about the things that are going on around her after it died.
A simile is when you compare something using like or as. In this book Morrison uses a simile in the part were Amy is describing to Sethe what velvet is like “Well Lu, velvet is like the world just born. Clean new and so smooth." Morrison uses the simile in this case to create a poetic and imaginative description of velvet, rather than just saying that velvet is just soft or beautiful. Having this description in her writing makes this excerpt stand out more.
Throughout the book Morrison uses the literary devises Imagery, symbolism, and similes to develop the characters, and to add depth in her writing as the story progresses. These devises also help to develop the theme of her story which has to do with being haunted by a demon from your past, and the emotional effects slavery had on people.

Friday, February 6, 2009

If i were Obama's economics advisor

Part one

If I were Obama’s economics adviser, one thing I would say about strengthening America’s economy is to create more green jobs. This will strengthen the economy by providing new jobs,and will also decrease the amount of unemployed people in America. This will also improve the environment, which is also a big issue now.
Although some advances in green power have been made “Alternative energy advocates say President Obama's economic stimulus package could help because it provides tax credits as well as federal grants to help companies pay for wind and solar projects.” America still has a long way to go, so we should start now.
Some of the ways this can be done are to start replacing unenvironmental energy jobs such as coal, and oil, with green jobs are involved with Wind and solar power and recycling resources and energy.


Part Two

I am going to interview Maggie Piatt who is the photographer at the Maritime Museum. I am going to use a tape recorder, and the interview will take place on Tuesday the tenth at 1:00 pm

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Good interviews

In depth questions: Ask more complicated questions, for example you could ask them If they wanted to work in the field that they are now when they were younger.These kinds of questions will make the person you are interviewing think more about the question and give a more in depth answer.

In this Interview John Harwood asked Obama complicated questions complicated questions such as "How did it feel to be there with the former presidents today and what can you learn from them, especially the current President Bush whom you criticized so strongly in the campaign?" instead of simple questions

Ideas of what you want to talk about:
you should have at least some idea of what you want to talk about before you start your interview even if you do not have scripted questions, because it will help your questions stay organized, which will make the interview flow better.

The interview uses this skill because its theme was Obamas inauguration, which at the time was soon to come, and Harwood asked Obama questions about how it feels to be the next president.

customized interviews:
your interview questions should depend on who you are interviewing, because that way you can get information from them that will help you get to know them better.

You can tell that Harwoods interview questions were made for Obama because they are focused on things that Obama would be thinking about, or have strong opinions about
