Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Outstanding blogs

1. Economic advice to Barack Obama?
Kevin's blog had good economical advise for Obama.
"Franklin Delanore Roosevelt passed the New Deal (among a series of other actswhich allowed Americans to come together and do the jobs that needed to be done in order to help fix America's economy, as well as creating more jobs and getting necessary things built." This advise is helpful for our economy because it worked during the great depression which is a similar situation to the recession we are in now.

2. Literary Analysis?
A blog that has good literary analysis is Will's blog. In his post about Charles Darwin.He uses complicated language and his word choices are very well though out.
"Charles Darwin contributed significantly to mankind's collective scientific understanding, finding a pattern in the seemingly chaotic play of evolution, blazing a trail that the rest of us could follow with our bumbling brains."

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