Monday, February 9, 2009

If i were Obama's economic advisor part 2

If I were Obama's economics adviser, one thing I would say about strengthening America's economy is to create more green jobs. Green jobs are jobs that involve finding more environmentally friendly ways of doing things, such as green building, green energy, and manufacturing with non toxic earth friendly materials.Having more green jobs will strengthen the economy by providing new jobs for the unemployed, and since we are in the worst economical crisis since the great depression and thousands of people have lost their jobs this is especially important.

Although some advances in green power have been made "Alternative energy advocates say President Obama's economic stimulus package could help because it provides tax credits as well as federal grants to help companies pay for wind and solar projects." America still has a long way to go because of bushes environmental record over the past eight years he has been on office "By taking environmental policymaking away from scientists, and turning it over to industry cronies, Bush has made a mockery of the nation's environmental laws and values" which is why it is important that we start making changes now.

Some of the ways these changes can be made are to start replacing un-environmental energy jobs such as ones involved with coal and oil, with green jobs are involved with Wind and solar power and recycling resources for energy. Burning coal and oil puts C02 into the atmosphere, and if we keep using them at the same rate then we will soon run out, which is why we need to find new forms of energy.


Mieszkowski, Katharine. "Bush environment Obama | Salon ." - Breaking news, opinion, politics, entertainment, sports and culture.. 11 Feb. 2009 .

contrast. " Depression? Or just a recession? Experts also find it hard to tell - Times Online ." Business News, Market and Financial News | Times Online Business . 11 Feb. 2009 .

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