Monday, December 15, 2008

Work i am proud of

One project that i did in humanities this year, and am proud of was the H20 project. I am proud of it because i put a lot more time and effort into it then i had in previous projects. Because i spent more time on this project i was able to get several critiques on both my writing , and art and because of this i was able to improve my work by finding better ways to phrase my writing, and gave me new ideas and inspiration for may art. I think this project was may best work this year because i took extra time to get critiques out side of class, and from other people besides my teacher.
The American icon project is another project that i am proud of. I am proud of it because i did a good job on both the self portrait, and artist statement even though i was struggling with ideas at the beginning of the project. I was having trouble choosing an icon that inspires me, and i could not think of an icon that i both like, and relate to. But then i though of Andy Warhol, which was perfect because i admire him, and i can relate to his individuality.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sea Shepherd

Paul Watson, who founded "Sea Shepherd" which is an organization that protects marine animals, whales in particular from being hunted by humans by attacking whaling and fishing ships with his own fleet of vessels which he calls Neptune's Navy. He uses many tactics to bring down the ships including ramming, the "can opener" and the fact that he does not care about the law.
Ramming is Watson's signature technique, in which he rams one of his ships into the whaling boats to damage, or sink them. This is a successful technique because it is effective in damaging the boats, and it gets their attention there for making them stop more easily.
Another technique that he uses is the can opener. The can opener is a sharp steal beam that comes of the side of one of his ships and which he uses to scrape the hulls of his opponents boats.This a successful technique because it has a big impact on the ship that is being attacked.
Watson's best technique in my opinion is that he dos not care that what he is doing is illegal. I think that this technique is his best because since he does not let the law get in his way he has accomplished so much. He has taken down whaling ships, he is on the discovery channel show "Whale Wars" and his actions have spread awareness about illegal whale hunting,

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


In her article "He's not black" Marie Arana says that "we have one foot in the future and one foot still mired in the Old south" what she means is we consider all races to be equal, but we still judge people by their races stereotypes, and label each other as "black" "white" or "yellow'' I agree with Arana when she says that "language should move on" but if we stop using labels what would we call ourselves.
The reason we automatically label people is we cant tell what their background is from just looking at them. A person that we see might be a mix of Black, White, and Mexican, but we call them by what they appear to be. I don't like it when people stereotype and label each other, but it is a problem that is practically unsolvable. Labels are so widely used in the media and our lives that it will take years for use to learn to stop using them.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I am thankful for cool projects, and that i have gotten mostly good grades throughout the semester

Three things that i am going to accomplish for my project during thanksgiving are revising my artist statement by making my writing more organized and incorporating m,ore information. the second thing i am going to do is do more research so i can find more examples of people getting sick from pollution, and problems with having trash at the beach. The third thing i am going to do is work on my painting, and i want to use my extra time during thanksgiving break to get a good amount of work done on it.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

H2O project

From doing this project i have learned that people can get sick from swimming in water that has high levels of E. coli and enterococci bacteria which come from human and animal waste, and i learned how to test water, and what the natural level of bacteria should be.

The thing that surprised me about this project is how much freedom we have when it comes to ideas, and working on our projects.

The steps i need to take to get a good final product are making a schedule for when i will be working on my project over the next few weeks, and put a lot of effort into working on my painting, and revising my writing.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Catcher in the rye

One of the literary devices that the author J.D. Salinger used in the book "Catcher in the rye" was tone. He uses tone in his story because he shows the attitude his narrator toward the other characters and events in the story. The narrator/main character of the book (Holden Caulfield) is always taking about his opinions of the events, and other characters in the story as they are showing up or happening. An example would be when he is talking about "Ackley" who is the guy who lives in the room next door. Holden talks about how Ackley is rude and obnoxious, and his attitude towards Ackley is dislike
Another literary devise that was used was narration. Narration was one of the main literary devises that was used in Catcher in the rye, the narrator of the story was Holden himself instead of the author which made the book more interesting because having the protagonist telling the story made it much easier to relate to because the problems that he faces more seem real.
The theme of the story is growing up, and going through adolescence. The author uses this literary to make the ideas of his story more clear and simplify the concept. The theme is shown in the story with with Holden's outlook on life. He always bothered or annoyed about something and he acts like his life could not get any worse

Monday, November 10, 2008

Immigrant voters

A group of voters that don not get much publicity are immigrants who are voting for the first time. Even though they were not publicized as much as black voters and young people, they had a very big impact on the outcome of the election. In this election Immigrants voted at a much higher rate then they had in past elections, and they helped decide some of the most important swing states in the election, such as Florida, Virginia, and Ohio. In the past their voting power was very weak, but now that there are many non-white people who have high powers in the American government, a lot more minorities and immigrants are taking part in political decisions. I think that this is important because immigrants are now playing a bigger part in the political process in America


Friday, November 7, 2008

Product ideas

A products that i would like to use as references for my project is this picture. i want to use it as a reference because I also want to do a landscape photo of the beach, but i want mine to have people in the background and have the camera focused on a piece of trash in the foreground. I want my picture to represent how people litter at the beach without thinking about the consequences.
Another thing i want to use as a reference is this article. I chose this article as a reference because its short, but informative, and it is done in a news article style.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election/H2O Project

Election reflection

I am happy with the results of the election, because i am a Obama supporter and i am very glad that he won. I am also a little shocked, because its hard to believe that the election is finally over.
My hopes for this country are that we end the war in Iraq, and overcome the financial crisis.
My concerns are that our current situation becomes worse.
I have a fairly high level of civic knowledge, and i have been becoming more aware of our country over the past few months.
The thing that has been helpful to me is our blogs, because i have to do a little research on the blog topic, and all of the article i read about the topic help me understand it better.
When i have conversations about politics outside of class i feel smart and informed, because i am up to date, and i understand politics much more than i did before.

H2O Project

To start this project the i will need to...
  • Do research on Ocean beach, and find out more about how the cleanliness of the beach and to what extent people have gotten sick from swimming in the water.
  • I will also interview people who go to the beach regularly, and people who live in the area, and work in the shops. I am going to ask them about how they feel about having dirty beaches, and what negative effects it has on their health, and the popularity of the beach.
  • I am going to put the information into an article, and i would like to also have some photography components.
  • my schedule for this project over the next two weeks will be interviewing people over the weekends, i ant to get started this weekend by interviewing people i know, and next weekend i will interview people at the beach an working in shops next weekend. I also want to try to get a few done spare time during the week. I will do my additional research, and writing my article during project time at school and at home.

Interview questions

  • what changes have you noticed at the beach due to pollution and trash?
  • has the pollution at the beach effected your health?
  • how does trash effect the aesthetic of the beach?
  • does the dirtiness of the beach discourage you from going?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Reserch questions

How are Ocean beach locals effected by sewage and pollution.

For this article i am going to interview people who go to the beach on a regular basis, and people who live in the area about the changes that they have noticed at the beach caused by pollution and global warming. I am going to interview several people so i can get a lot of different opinions, and i am going to research the beach i am focusing on (Ocean beach) so i can learn about changes it has gone through over the years.

"Ocean Beach." Ocean Beach. 2 Nov. 2008 .

"Port of San Diego | Environment News." Port of San Diego | Port of San Diego. 2 Nov. 2008 .

"Rob Edwards: Seabirds ingest bellyfuls of plastic pollution." Rob Edwards. 2 Nov. 2008 .

How are the marine birds effected by the presence of , humans, sewage and waste.

For this article i am write about the effects of plastic pollution, sewage, and human presence on marine birds. I am going to talk about the negative effects of pollution at the beach, and the overall effects of coexisting with humans. I am going focus on a local beach, and interview people on their opinions on pollution at the beach. I also want to talk about ways that people can help reduce pollution at the beaches.

Beach Pollution of US ocean beaches and coastlines." Arts and Culture: Culturekiosque - Classical Music, Jazz, Opera, Dance, Movie, Cuisine, and Travel tips: interviews, reviews and news. 2 Nov. 2008 .

"Hinterland Who's Who - Oil Pollution and Birds." Hinterland Who's Who. 2 Nov. 2008 .

"Ocean Beach Mainstreet Association." Ocean Beach Mainstreet Association. 2 Nov. 2008 .

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Honners blog

I recently read the book Animal farm for school, and i noticed that the author, George Orwell, develops the plot and theme of the book using the many literary devises including characterization, Mood, and Allegory.
In Animal Farm two who played big parts in the story were Snowball and Napoleon. Snowball and Napoleon were two pigs on the farm who became automatic leaders of the animals because of their intelligence and ideas for how they would build their new society. But although they both wanted to be leader they couldn't be more different from each other. Snowball was the idealist leader, he was always coming up with ideas to better the lives of the animals, including a windmill that would power farm machinery and provide heating and running water in each animals stall. Napoleon however was more of a shady character . He would rarely voice his ideas, or speak up in meetings, except to disagree with snowballs ideas. Napoleon wanted to have all the power, he drove Snowball out of the farm and became the leader. I think that the author used the characters of Snowball and Napoleon to illustrate two views of human nature. Snowballs character symbolizes that humans have good intentions, and Napoleons character symbolizes that humans are inherently bad, and are easily corrupted.
The mood of the story changes throughout the book. In the beginning of the story the mood is happy, and focuses on the rebellion against humans, and freedom and new beginnings. After hearing the oldest animal on the farm speak of how animals are constantly oppressed and mistreated by humans, the animals rebelled against their owners and drove them out of the farm and took control of it themselves. When the animals first became free they discarded all the cruelty's practiced by humans, and started their new perfect society, were all animals are equal. but as the the story progresses, the pigs, who were in charge of running slowly took the other animals rights away, and brainwashing them into thinking that they were much better of then when humans still owned the farm, when in reality they were being treated much worse.
Another literary device that was used was allegory. Allegory means the symbolism that the author is trying to convey through the characters and plot of the story. I noticed this in animal farm in the references to communist society's. The main similarity i noticed was that the character Napoleon assumes power of animal farm and becomes an all powerful dictator who used propaganda to make him seem like a perfect leader so he could easily control the other animals.
Literary techniques are important in writing because they add details that make the writing more informative and interesting. Literary techniques are also helpful to me, because they help me be more informative in my writing, and have a better understanding of the books i read.

Voting scandals

Since votes have been tapered with in past elections, and 2008 elections right around the corner, the issue of voting and voting rights are much more of a concern that usual. Two voting scandals in particular are the Acorn scandal and voter suppression. Acorn is a group that helps people in the lower class and minorities register to vote, and making voting easier for them. The scandal started when John McCain mentioned in a debate that most of the new registrations were bogus. The voter suppression scandal has been occurring recently in many states. It is happening because people are being taken off the voter rolls and are made unable to register again, and in rigged voting machines that will automatically cast the vote for a certain candidate even when the voter is voting for the other. The differences between the two are that the Acorn scandal was just an exaggeration of the truth and really not a serious scandal at all, because only a tiny percentage of the registrations were false and it is not Acorn's job to discard votes in the first place. The Voter suppression is the real problem and it will make voting more difficult for minorities in America, and will prevent people from voting for who they want to.






Monday, October 20, 2008

Historical debates

I noticed while watching the presidential and vice presidential debates that the candidates would always steer away from answering the questions, and start talking about someone completely different. Sarah Palin did this the most, during the vice presidential debate and in interviews in general. She would start all of her questions with " I'm just a small town hockey mom" or "Senator McCain and i are both mavericks" This was really frustrating because they would not get to the point, and give a straight answer.
I also noticed a connection between the Obama/McCain debates and the Kennedy/Nixon debates of 1960. The similarity i noticed was the difference in opinions of people who watched the debate or heard it on the radio. People who watched the debate not only heard the presidential candidates opinions, they saw how they were acting when they were giving their responses. Richard Nixon looked awful, and stuttered repeatedly, and Kennedy was calm and collected, and had a good speaking voice So the viewers though that Kennedy had won outright. But the people who listened to the debate on the radio could not see how the candidates were acting though Nixon had won, or that it was a tie. I have noticed that people ( my parents in particular) agree that you cant get as much out of the debates if you just listen to them, because the way the candidate act tells a lot about them.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The internet and democracy

I think the internet plays a big role in democracy and politics because it is the first place people go to to get information in modern America, and because of the internet people can get the latest news much more easily. But rumors are also spread via the internet so a lot of the information is false and can change peoples opinions without them knowing that what they are reading is not true.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

News paper reflection

The part of my news paper project that i liked the best was our title, because it was creative and unique.I also though that my group did a good job on their articles, because we put a lot of effort into them, and made sure they were well written.
What i did not like was the layout of our news paper, because we had a few empty spaces, and we could have put more time into it.
The process that my group took to do our paper was first we completed our seprate articles, then we started working on the layout of our paper, then we put in our articles and pictures and made it look professional by adding pull quotes and captions for our pictures.


Rule of thirds Link

This picture is a good example of the rule of thirds because the picture was taken so that the flower is on one of the points of the guidelines that are used to take the picture. That made the flower stand out from the back ground, and the the whole picture look more interesting

Depth of field Link

This picture is a good example of depth of field because the background is out of focus, and the dog in the fore ground is in focus and it sands out more. the picture was also so it shows only half of the dogs face which make it more interesting to look at.

Eyes, color, fill the frame Link

The photographer of this picture captured the color in the leaves very well, and made them stand out from the dark background.

Interesting lighting Link

In this photograph the light hits one side of a castle wall and creates an interesting contrast with the light and the dark parts of the picture.

Eye level Link

This picture is a good example of eye level photography, because the photographer got down so they were at the same level as the cat so the photograph looks like its more from the perspective of the cat.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Lincoln Douglas debate

After reading the 6th of Abraham Lincoln and Frederic Douglas's debate, i learned about what their stances on slavery were, and how similar it was to the modern presidential debates.
In the debate they talked about their opinions on weather slavery should be allowed in the United states, and about what Slaves natural rights should be, and are they equal to white people.
Lincoln had a very strong opinion on this subject. his view was that their should be no slaves in any of the states in America, and that black should be treated equally to whites."I will add this, that if there be any man who does not believe that slavery is wrong in the three aspects which I have mentioned, or in any one of them, that man is misplaced, and ought to leave us."
Douglas however, believed in popular sovereignty, which meant that each state should chose their own laws. In Douglas's way, slavery would be allowed in certain states, but he never specifies if he is for or against slavery."I hold that under the Constitution of the United States, each State of this Union has a right to do as it pleases on the subject of slavery."
One similarity i noticed between the Lincoln Douglas debates and the 2008 presidential and vice presidential debates was they always contradict each other. Douglas said that Lincoln was not being truthful about his opinions on slavery, and McCain is always contradicting Obama, by saying that he will increase taxes, when he actually wants to lower taxes for the lower class and small businesses, and increasing taxes for people who can afford them.

Lincoln Douglas senatorial debate 6

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Demographs and Politics

One thing that i have been wondering about involving demographics is how exact are they? because there are probably people who are not accounted for, or who are not U.S. citizens. i think it would be interesting to find out how exact they are.
The outcome of the presidential debates are strongly impacted by demographics, because the states with more young people and mixed races are more likely to support Obama, and older white people with conservative backgrounds are often McCain supporters. It also depends on the voting history of the state, and the amount of people who are registered to vote.

Presidential election 08 demographics

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Home of the free?

Much has changed since the civil war, slavery no longer exists, and all of the different races that live here are supposed to have equal rights. But there is still an undertone of racism in modern America in hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis and skinheads, and there are still racial stereotypes. Even though slavery in America ended during the Civil war and racism and prejudice are considered a thing of the past, there is still racism in Modern America.

I have noticed that racism still happens quite frequently in modern America but in a more subtle way, such as this video that talks about how Black and Mexican people are also more often suspected of crime than white people because of the stereotypes that they are gang members and drug addicts. But those stereotypes started because of The Contra=Cocaine scandal that had to do with a secret drug cartel controlled by President Ronald Reagan and his administration. They sold cocaine to minorities in poor neighborhoods and used the money to fund illegal projects like supporting the Contras in Nicaragua. He targeted blacks and Latinos in poor neighborhoods, and he created many drug addicts along with negative stereotypes that still exist today.

The people living in some of the old confederate states have kept their civil war beliefs, such as in the book “Confederates in the Attic” by Tony Horwitz. I read a chapter in it for school that focuses on a case in a town in Kentucky, where a nineteen year old flew a confederate flag from the back of his pickup truck. When he was drove through that part of town were more black people live he was shot and killed. One white woman who Tony Horwitz interviewed about the incident said that the flag was a symbol of power and that “they just don’t want us to have it. They want the best jobs, the biggest money. Now they want this. If we lose the mascot, it’ll just be a matter of time before we lose everything, don’t put us where they used to be.” I think that what they really want is respect, and flying a flag from a time when they were enslaved by whites will be considered extremely disrespectful

There will always be racism in America, but it really should not be a big issue anymore. In fact being prejudice against a different race really goes against what America stands for "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" Frederick Douglass’s speech “What, to the American slave, is your Fourth of July? which he gave during the civil war. In a part of his speech he says“What, to the American slave, is your Fourth of July? I answer: a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelly to which he is the constant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciations of tyrants, brass fronted impudence; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade, and solemnity, are, to him, mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy—a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices, more shocking and bloody, than are the people of these United States, at this very hour”.

What I take from what Frederick Douglass said is that Americans are always gratifying themselves for being part of the land of the free and the home of the brave, where everyone can make it if they try. But actually America has been going against its good morals throughout history by enslaving, discriminating, and mistreating people who they believe they are superior to.


"(1852) Frederick Douglass, “What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth Of July� | The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed." | The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed. 2 Oct. 2008 .

"Evolution and Modern Racism." The Institute for Creation Research. 2 Oct. 2008 .

"Evolution and Modern Racism." The Institute for Creation Research. 2 Oct. 2008 .

Horwitz, Tony. Confederates in the Attic: Dispatches from the Unfinished Civil War. New York: Vintage, 1999.

"Ku Klux Klan." Spartacus Educational - Home Page. 2 Oct. 2008 .

" Modern Day Slavery: Racism and the Drug War - Political Forum." Political Forum - US & World Politics Forum. 2 Oct. 2008 .

"The American Experience | Reagan | People & Events | The Iran-Contra Affair." PBS. 2 Oct. 2008 .

"The Badger Herald - Racism lives on in modern America." The Badger Herald - University of Wisconsin-Madison. 2 Oct. 2008 .

Marbury vs Madison

Before the Marbury vs Madison case only Federalists could be part of the Judiciary branch. When John Adams ended his presidency Thomas Jefferson took office and changed the law so that anti-Federalists could also join the Judiciary branch, and anti-Federalist John Marshall became the new Chief Justice. William Marbury who John Adams had appointed to be the next chief justice in his last day in office sued vice president James Madison, but lost the lawsuit.
If this case had never happened Federalists would still be the only people who could join the Judicial branch, would a less fair place.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Blog reflections

What i am most proud of
The part of my blog that i am most proud of is my last blog entry about my opinions on the book Obama Nation. I am proud of it because it was the blog post i spent the most time on it, and because of that i was able to put more thought into it, and make my writing more descriptive and informative. Another thing i like about that entry was about a topic i am truly interested in, and so it was the most enjoyable to write.

What i want to improve

I want to improve my blog entries by putting all my effort into them, by being more descriptive, and talking about my opinions on the subjects i am learning about. Another thing i want to improve on is making sure that the sources i am using are current and accurate, and adding pictures, and coming up with good titles for them. I would also improve the graphics on my blog and make it more personalized.

How blogging has helped me
Blogging has helped me understand all of the topics that i am learning such as, U S history, politics, and world news. Reading the articles for my blogs, and writings about them helped me understand them much better because i really had to think about their meanings so i could relate them to my blog topics.Blogging has also helped me be more aware of whats going on in America, and around the world.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Falsification and Obama Nation

In the recent biography of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, Obama Nation, the author(Jerome Corsi) manipulates true facts about Obama. He states that Obama has a dual citizenship in Kenya, was addicted to drugs as a teenager, and that he is a Muslim. But all of those facts are from unreliable sources and the author has a biased opinion about Obama, and he is trying to make Obama seem like he would be a bad president.
I have noticed several presidential campaign ads and articles whose main focus is bashing the opposing candidate. I think that this reflects badly on them because they are only talking about how their opponent is bad, and not talking about why they are good. I think that when candidates are always saying bad things about their opponents , it reflects badly on them, because when people find out that they are lying about the other candidate they will think lower of them, and be less likely to vote for them and support them. which is why it will be worse for them in the long run.

Corsi's Dull Hatchet, September 15 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008

Stock market

I think that the government should take responsibility for the stock market crash because thousands of people will lose their jobs and homes if they don't take action.The government should do this by not loaning money to people who cant pay it back, and not borrowing money when we cant pay it back. I also think that we should print less money so the money we have will be worth more. This would be a Federalist point of view because the Federalists believed that the government should play a big role in how the country is run.

Wall St.'s Turmoil Sends Stocks Reeling, by Michael M. Grynbaum, September 15 2008

Secretary of the treasury Henry Paulson, who is in charge of all the money in America, has come up with the idea that the government should give him $700 billion which he will use to balance out the stock market.I think this is an extremely bad idea because, not only is the amount of money he is asking for huge, we are probably to in debt to pay for it, and he passing a law that
states that he can not ever be persecuted for any action he might take, so basically he will be able to get away with anything; including taking the money for himself.

Is Paulson's bailout bill unconstitutional?,by Rod Smolla,September 24 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Factions and neoconservatives

I learned about factions from reading the Federalist articles by James Madison, i found out that a faction is a group of people who all have the same interests, which often stand for ideas that could be bad for the rest of society, and Madison states in his articles that since factions always bias opinions they should not help with any of the governments decisions. A good example of a modern day faction are the neoconservatives. The neoconservatives (neocons) are a group that go by the philosophy that we should attack the enemy before it attacks us, like when we went war with Iraq, we were going on a hunch that they might have nuclear weapons, and that we could be in danger of another attack if we don't move first. But that ended up being bad for us in the long run.

Neoconservatism -- RIP,By Gary Kamiya

Monday, September 8, 2008

Federalists vs anti-federalists

The article i read was about the Democratic, and Republican candidates views on abortion. Joe Biden and Barack Obama both believe that abortion should be legal, and the government should offer more support to young mothers so they will be able to more easily take care of their babies if they decide to keep them. John McCain, and Sarah Palin however think abortion should be completely illegal. The Democratic party is like the Federalists, because they think that a bigger part in our society, and the Republican party is like the anti-Federalists, because they want to do things based of their ideas.

As a Matter of Faith, Biden Says Life Begins at Conception, By Kate Phillips, Published: September 7,2008

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Locke and Hobbes on terrorism

Our governments approch to the war on terror is very similar to the Thomas Hobbes's point of view because we are focusing so much on the threat of a terrorist attack. We are spending billions of dollars on the war every day, and because of that we are paying less attention to other problems we could have in our society. If we keep using this way of thinking then our government will become more "Hobbesian", because we will be always in a state of war, and we will not have the money to help support people in need. Opposing the War fits with John Locke's ideas because we will be focusing on protecting our country from all possible threats, and using our money and resources to better our community, instead of always worrying about terrorism.

Hobbes versus Locke-Redefining the war on terror, by Colonel Nico W. Tak, and Captain Stephen W. Knot

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Declaration of Independance

The governments reaction to hurricane Gustav relates to the Declaration of Independence, and the philosophy of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness because the government sent help right away, and they made sure everyone was evacuated from Louisiana and New Orleans, which was following the natural human rights that were listed in the Deceleration of independence which are life, liberty, and property. I also think that the Government was trying to make up for their slow reaction to hurricane Katrina, by sending help to the people in danger from hurricane Gustav right away.

New Orleans Says Residents Can Return Thursday by By ADAM NOSSITER and JOHN SCHWARTZ from the New York times on 9/2/08